Future Brand Fitness
Your questions
- How innovative do consumers find my brand compared with competitor brands?
- Do our customers trust us to cope with the coming challenges?
- Which innovations do my customers really find ‘innovative`?

Future Brand Fitness: definition
An analysis of your innovation leadership in relation to that of your competitors.
Future Brand Fitness: scope
How consumers perceive a brand’s ‘capacity for innovation’ plays a key role in brand management. This isn’t just down to the brand’s actual innovativeness but also the perceived degree of innovation leadership. Not every ‘innovative company’ is necessarily seen as an innovative brand.
Future Brand Fitness combines quantitative and qualitative procedures (Future Lounges with lead users).
In a first step, we examine what your target group understands by innovation and what they need from it. In a second step, your brand is analysed in relation to the competition and then subjected to a cross-sector analysis.
What you can expect:
A road map for boosting perception of your brand as an innovation leader. In addition, recommendations for the strategic communication of innovative product and service developments.
The benefits for you
- Deeper understanding of your target group’s perception and expectations when it comes to innovation
- Teasing out differentiating attributes
- Perception of innovation embedded in a cross-sector context