Future Tandems
Your questions
- How are the needs of my target group likely to change in future?
- Which services will become especially relevant?
Which developments offer opportunities for my brand?

Future Tandems: definition
Tandem interviews with ‘trend consumers’ in a creatively inspirational setting—with the aim of generating new ideas for products and services.
Future Tandems: scope
A tool comprising innovation-minded interviewees recruited with the help of a special screening tool (Future Personas). Based on these interviews, we dovetail current trend analyses with four value orientations likely to be dominant in the future.
For instance, we work with you to create 3-dimensional inspirational settings that convey selected megatrends or future values. In the subsequent pair interview, participants develop relevant ideas for your future products or services.
What you can expect:
An expanded pool of ideas for new products and services to support your product innovation process.
The benefits for you
- Identification and description of your personal Future Personas (optimised for the target group)
- Disclosure of your target group’s future need structure
- Consequences for the brand, products and services